Daleys Move

Greater Manchester & Lancashire

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About the company

We've been moving people round the corner and round the world for over 70 years. When it comes to moving home we're probably the best move you'll ever make.

Project images

The Professional Mover & Storer you can Trust!
Probably the best move you'll ever make
Your Local, Professional Removal & Storage Company
All the Storage Services you require
Perfectly and Professionally Packed


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How did you start your business?

We've been in business since 1948, over the last 70 years we have moved thousands of very happy Customers. We encourage Customers to read the genuine reviews from customers we have moved which can be found on our website.

What makes your services standout?

We have expertly trained professional crews, who drive the most modern vehicles and use the best possible quality packing materials. Our services are backed up by our 70 years experience and our quality guarantee.

What is your top advice for your customers?

Book early, the earlier we know that you are planning to move, the more we can guarantee our availability. Also, make sure when comparing quotes you compare like for like, believe it or not, there is no requirement or need to register as a removal company - anybody can drive a van and say they are a removal company. Be sure to compare services and standards like for like.

How did you start your business? We've been in business since 1948, over the last 70 years we have moved thousands of very happy Customers. We encourage Customers to read the genuine reviews from customers we have moved which can be found on our website.
What makes your services standout? We have expertly trained professional crews, who drive the most modern vehicles and use the best possible quality packing materials. Our services are backed up by our 70 years experience and our quality guarantee.
What is your top advice for your customers? Book early, the earlier we know that you are planning to move, the more we can guarantee our availability. Also, make sure when comparing quotes you compare like for like, believe it or not, there is no requirement or need to register as a removal company - anybody can drive a van and say they are a removal company. Be sure to compare services and standards like for like.

Company location

Daleys Move

Unit A3
Butts Street
United Kingdom

Daleys Move address Daleys Move address
GB Leigh Unit A3 Butts Street WN7 3AE

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Company facts

Type of business
Limited Company
Number of employees
Company number