Shirleys Removals Ltd


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About the company

We have been moving Londoners and businesses since 1988. We move you in and out of town and all over the UK. We are owned and run by women and have both men and women workers who are experienced, trustworthy and friendly team all handpicked and trained by us. We move all types of properties from studios to 5+ bed houses, to and from storage and offices. We cater for all people and have built a great reputation in the LGBTQ+, women and vunerable people as well.

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How did you start your business?

I worked for Shirley's Removals as worker then manager for 18 years. When Shirley retired three years ago I bought the business.

What makes your services standout?

Our team, our commitment to help make the move as stress free as possible. We take care with people's belongings, our packing, dis-assembly and re-assembly of furniture. The team are handpicked and trained by me.

What is your top advice for your customers?

Try to be organised so when the team arrives it helps make the move more efficient. Don't overfill your packing boxes. You can save a lot of time using our packing and furniture dis-assembly services.

How did you start your business? I worked for Shirley's Removals as worker then manager for 18 years. When Shirley retired three years ago I bought the business.
What makes your services standout? Our team, our commitment to help make the move as stress free as possible. We take care with people's belongings, our packing, dis-assembly and re-assembly of furniture. The team are handpicked and trained by me.
What is your top advice for your customers? Try to be organised so when the team arrives it helps make the move more efficient. Don't overfill your packing boxes. You can save a lot of time using our packing and furniture dis-assembly services.

Company location

Shirleys Removals Ltd

20-22 Wenlock Road
N1 7GU
United Kingdom

Shirleys Removals Ltd address Shirleys Removals Ltd address
GB LONDON 20-22 Wenlock Road N1 7GU

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Company facts

Type of business
Home and Business Removals
Number of employees
Company number